CIIL Publications

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CIIL Publications

Preparation of materials designed for teaching/learning at different levels and suited to specific needs is one of the major areas of interest of the Institute, which led CIIL to begin its publication activities. The publications include materials produced by the members of the staff of the Institute and its Regional Language centers and associated scholars from Universities and other educational Institutions. Publications help in the dissemination of specialized Knowledge developed in the Institute and also in the transfer of technology. It provides a link with other academic Institutions in the country and abroad. This group plays an important role by copy-editing and producing the publications, distributing them and maintaining the public relations for the Institute. Since 1971 it has brought out 580 titles, including collaborative publications. Various areas of the institute publications include phonetics, grammar, reading, folklore, lexicography, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, adult literacy, evaluation and testing, geo-linguistics, literacy criticism, psycholinguistics, dictionaries and bibliographies besides the second language teaching materials. Now it is planning to digitize a number of publications and also produce e-books for worldwide distribution.
