Nancowry/ Mūöt

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Nancowry (ISO-639-3 code: ncb)


The speakers of this language call themselves as Söm Mūöt, literally meaning ‘Nancowry race’. They inhabit the four islands, namely, Nancowry, Kamorta, Katchal and Trinket, of the Central Nicobars. The population of these islands as per 2011 Census is 7392. Their physical characteristics and cultural traits ascribe to them as members of the Mongoloid stock of human race. They live in villages spread across the islands’ shore. Fishing, hunting and farming constitute their major sustenance activities. Besides, by selling their farm produce they practice cash economy also. Socially, they are organized into different clans called Nyī Tökarūḵ and within the clans they follow collective economy. Three streams of religious practices, namely, Animistic, Christian and Islamic, are in vogue among them, with Christianity having a major sway. Their indigenously acquired skills and knowledge systems enable them to lead a healthy and self-reliant life. For interpersonal communication, they use their mother tongue among themselves, Car Nicobarese language with other ethnic Nicobarese and Hindi language with any non-Nicobarese.


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