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Bharatavani is a project with the objective of delivering knowledge in and about all the languages in India in multimedia (text, audio, video, images) formats through an online portal. Bharatavani project is part of creating a Knowledge Society in the age of Digital India. The dedicated multilingual mega knowledge portal ( href=" "> hosts knowledge resources from multiple disciplines that cater to the needs of researchers, scholars, students and academicians. The Bharatavani Mobile Application is the world’s largest and only collection of text-searchable dictionaries and glossaries in Indian languages. The mobile app (Android App : and Windows App: hosts more than 200 digital dictionaries of various subjects in multiple combinations of Indian languages.

The knowledge resources that are hosted in the Bharatavani portal are available in six domains depending on the content types:

1. Paathyapustakakosha | Textbooks
2. Jnanakosha | Encyclopedia
3. Shabdakosha | Dictionaries & Glossaries
4. Bhashakosha | Language Learning
5. Baahumadhyamakosha | Multimedia
6. Suchanapradyogikikosha | IT Tools


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