Elicitation of words and sentences about time and season, numerals, sports games and entertinment, adornments and costumes housing and kitchen items, direction and measurement, flora, food and beverages, interrogatives, pronouns and demonstratives, adjectives, function words, sensational verb, simple and complex sentences, negative prohibitives sentences, interrigative sentences, conditional sentences, compound words, conjunct words, tense simple present

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CIIL- Mysuru
This is an elicitation of words and sentences about time and season, numerals, sports games and entertinment, adornments and costumes housing and kitchen items, direction and measurement, flora, food and beverages, interrogatives, pronouns and demonstratives, adjectives, function words, sensational verb, simple and complex sentences, negative prohibitives sentences, interrigative sentences, conditional sentences, compound words, conjunct words, tense simple present by Ramu Sisa.