Food Habits North Karnataka

dc.creator.depositorPuttaraju K.
dc.creator.directorAmar Dev
dc.creator.producerDr. R. Subbakrishna
dc.description.abstractWhen we look at the culture of Karnataka, the culture of North Karnataka is distinct from other parts of the state. The specialty of their food becomes their cultural specialty. The culture of Gandumethunadu, meaning the man of masculine velar of North Karnataka, may also be recognized in its food habits. Though the food habits depend on the main crop of the seasons; owing to the recent urbanization, they have food changes in their habit. However, the village folk still retain the food speciality in their original regional style. The main items in their daily meal are jor of the roti and Bakri. Food is a common cultural aspect in North Karnataka. Roti is prepared from Jolla, sajje, akki, raagi, and other grains. There are different methods of preparing roti; badita Roti(beaten roti), Katak roti or Khadak roti, Kay rotti, Kedarida rotti, or spread roti, and mettada rotti(soft roti). Depending on the ingredients ellu haccida rotti, arisinnada roti, or chilli roti are prepared. Nucci (broken grain) is a type of food for toothless people. It is prepared from gonjoola white and akki, apart from gonjoola. Banna, also called butti, is packed food. It is a must when one goes outstation. Banna is also prepared as Nuccu, in this onion, garlic and chilli are also added. Kieadi has the speciality of both Nuccu and Baana. It is mainly served to the children and the weak ones. In summer, along with roti, Gamble is also prepared. It is prepared from Jawa flour (jootada ambali), ragi flour, akki ambali, and also horse gram flour (huralikaalu ambali) which gives us a cooling effect. In North Karnataka there are many types of vegetable available: Adanekayi, Hiirekayi, Bende kaayi, Avare kaayi, Saute kaayi, Haagala Kaayi, Menasina kaayi, Donna Menasina kaayi, Ullaa Gaddi, Tomoto and Muulangi. Side dishes that are green are Rajgirri, Kirakasaali, Byalli, Pundi, Sabbasagi, Mentya and Paalak. Toor dal is also abundant in North Karnataka, so it is used in most food. Another item used with roti is Chatni. Among Saaru, Majjige Saaru that is seasoned butter milk Saaru, Kudisida Majjige Saaru(hot butter milk) , Tomato Saaru, Hittina Saaru are popular. Festivals of North Karnataka are unique. Naturally, sweets dominate the festival. Huggy and Holige enjoy prominence among the delicacies. Hooligan is prepared for festivals. Among Hoolige, Saajjakada hoolige, Hurraki hoolige, Genasina hoolige, Surali hoolige, ellu hoolige Seengaa hoolige, PuthaaNi hoolige, Kharjuuva hoolige, Hesaru Byaali, hoolige, Togari Byaali hoolige, Kobbari hoolige, Alsandi hoolige, Kumala hooligre BiLi ellu HooLige and Kaarada HooLige are also prepared. There are two types of sweet KaDubu: Sappagina KaDubu and blend Kadubu. Sweet KaDubu is very tasty. MeNasina KaDubu, Kumbala KaDubu, and Eli KaDubu are prominent delicacies. MaNDige, the Brahmins of North Karnataka, prepared this sweet delicacy during marriages. UNDI is a special sweet of North Karnataka. Beesan Undi, Mootichuru, ManDakki Undi, KaradaNTU, Seenga UNDI, EllunDi, Avalakki UNDI, Ravaa Undi and Antina Undi are some of the popular UNDI. Food is an integral part of harmonious living in North Karnataka. Muslims prepare sweets called ‘'Chonge’’ and distribute those to Hindus. Muslims and Hindus lunch and dine together on festivals expressing mutual love, trust, and harmony. Chonge is a delicacy associated with communal harmony in North Karnataka. Maadali is good to eat with ghee and milk. Saavige is a special delicacy of this region. It is made with patience and thread of wheat, also called vermicelli. Palleeda Habba is celebrated when the Panchami Habba is just three days away. It is also called roti Pancami. When the woman in the family becomes pregnant, she is fond of delicacies. To fulfil her desire, her family prepares a different variety of food. This is called Bayake Butti. Bajji, Mandakki, Puri, Sira, and Uppitu are some of the common snacks of the region. The southern part of North Karnataka is known for its special delicacy: Dharvaad peda, Belgaam Kunda, AmrinagaDa/Gookaak Karadantu, Dharwad a Cuda attract villagers as well as city dwellers. Moharam habbada Sarabattu, Hunisekaayaa Paanaka (raw tamarind juice), and fish are also supplied in the northern region of Karnataka along with AamleT saaru and Biryani. From eggs to Kooli Maamsa, Miinu, EeDikaayi and Maamasa, Karnataka is not a singular entity. We can see many such cultural confluences of the many cultural differences.
dc.subject.otherFood Habits North Karnataka
dc.subject.otherJowar /Jollada rotti
dc.subject.otherBadanekaayi ennegaayi
dc.titleFood Habits North Karnataka
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