B.C. Ramachandra Sharma

Principal Investigator
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The modern era witnessed an extensive outburst in new experiments in various forms of Kannada literature. Such experiments were rarely attempted in other Indian languages. Ramachandra Sharma was a poet who occupied an important position among the makers of modern Kannada literature. He was unique in not only selecting subject matter, the rhythmic pattern, and word combination but also in having some mysticism in poems. He was born in a village named Bogadi of Nagamandala taluk in Mandya district. After his father’s demise, M.V.Seetharamiah, the renowned Kannada scholar became his benefactor for a long time. While he was with him, he developed contacts with the best brains of Kannada literature. There his love for Kannada literature blossomed when he heard the brilliant speeches of B.M Srikantayya and also because of his contacts with V.Seetha Ramiah, Maasti Venkatesha Iyengar, and others at the Kannada Sahitya Parishad where Sharma had worked as an assistant for the dictionary committee. On his way back to Bengaluru from Etiopia, he visited London to see some of his close friends, His friends instead of sending him back to Bengaluru assisted him to get a job in London. He worked and at the same time continued his study. He obtained his B.sc(Honours) in psychology from the University of London. Subsequently, that is in 1964, He got a Ph.D. based on the subject “The intelligence of Immigrant Children in India’’. He worked at ‘Heart Fordshire County Council’ as a psychologist from 1965 to 1975 in London. Most of Sharma’s literary works were published when he was away from the country. His publications were Hridayyageeta(1952), Yelusutinakote(1953), Hesaragaatte(1969), Bhuvinidhisfurti(1956), and Bramhangurda(1973). He was back in Bengaluru in 1984 and settled down in his own house in Bengaluru. Ramcharan Sharma started participating in the literary meets in poetry reading sessions besides producing poems after poems. His reading, therefore, had a serious bearing on listeners. The way Sharma grew as a poet was unique and distinctly different from others. He carried out a mysterious path selecting different topics and ideas. Sharma himself said every poem is a hope duly cultivated and resurrected from an unknown depth happily. The Freudian revolutionary ideas influenced him so much that most of his poem has sexy feeling and peculiar sensibility and therefore he was rightly called a libido poet. Rupaantara is one of the most significant poems which not only shows Sharma’s literary earnestness but also his consternation while pursuing his literary profession.