Classical Odia
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Odia is an ancient language with a great heritage of more than two thousand years. A huge amount of knowledge is preserved in oral as well as written forms in different subjects. Beginning from a number of inscriptions, a large number of palm leaf manuscripts and printed books and journals it preserved many valuable documents. The subject areas include Mythology, Anthropology, History, Culture, Temple Architecture, Astronomy, Ayurveda, Agriculture, Lexicography and Classical Kavya literature. Materials on all these areas will be preserved in this collection for use by the public. One can search any kind of knowledge in Odia language in this portal. This will be accessible to all sections of people. This portal will offer open knowledge for all educational purposes.
This portal will provide knowledge from all available sources and further will try to create knowledge in specific fields. The Centre of Excellence for Studies in Classical Odia with the help of CIIL will try to make this portal unique in its knowledge repository.
We hope and expect that more people will utilise this digital platform for wider dissemination of our classical heritage through our mother tongue. This will fulfil the prime objective of NEP.
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- Itemଆଶ୍ଚର୍ଯ୍ୟ ଚର୍ଯ୍ୟାଚୟ(Odisha Sahitya Akademi Bhubaneswar, 1989) ବୌଦ୍ଧ ସିଦ୍ଧାଚାର୍ଯ୍ୟଗଣ Buddhist Saints; Karunakar Kar ଡକ୍ଟର କରୁଣାକର କରCharyapada, though it is claimed by all eastern languages as their beginning, various indigenous Odia words and meters used ascertained it's language as proto-Odia. These Buddhist poems written by 84 Sidhacharyas during 7th to 9th century discovered by M. M. Harprasad Shastri from Nepal. Admits in the introduction of this text that one poets domicile happens to be Odisha and his song also is written in Odia language. Out of these Buddhist signs some are undoubtedly from Odisha namely Kanhupa, Sabaripa, Luipa and Sarahapa . The tradition Sahajayana and the place Uddiyan were situated in ancient Odisha. The language in which these Buddhist poems were composed is known as Sandhya Bhasha or Twilight language. Because of this all the languages of eastern India are claiming it is their proto form. But on the basis of the linguistic analysis both morphological and syntactic study explores its root in proto-Odia language.
- Itemଗୀତଗୋବିନ୍ଦ(Odisha State Musium, 2008) ଜୟଦେବ JayadevMahakavi Jayadeva's great text Gita Govinda is a pan-Indian text. But Gita Gobinda seva in Jagannath temple since sixteenth century and the long tradition of lyrical poetry correlates the origin of Gita Govinda in Odisha, known as the home land of Jayadeva. The beautiful palm leaf manuscript amazingly portrays the melodious songs in Odia script.
- Itemଗୀତାଭିଧାନ(Tara Press, 1977) ଉପେନ୍ଦ୍ର ଭଞ୍ଜ Upendra Bhanja; Sridhar Satapathy ଶ୍ରୀଧର ଶତପଥୀGitabhidhan- the first Dictionary of Odia language written in poetry by Kabisamrat Upendra Banja in seventeenth century is a unique example in Indian Languages. This text is typically a thesaurus like the famous Amara Kosa in Sanskrit containing thousands of synonyms signifying the words with meanings. Upendra Bhanja, most celebrated poet of medieval age who has shown his Excellence in various forms of archaic poetry has composed this dictionary in poetry as one of the brilliant example of word play in 17th century.
- Itemଚଉତିଶା ସମଗ୍ର(Odisha Sahitya Akademi Bhubaneswar, 2017) Surendranath Panigrahi ଡକ୍ଟର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ରନାଥ ପାଣିଗ୍ରାହୀ
- Itemମାଦଳାପାଞ୍ଜି(Odisha Sahitya Akademi Bhubaneswar, 2020) Artaballabh Mohanti ଡକ୍ଟର ଆର୍ତ୍ତବଲ୍ଲଭ ମହାନ୍ତିMadala Panji is the record of the temple of Jagannath preserved by the kings written on the palm leaf manuscripts. It is known as Madala Panji or the Drum Chronicle because of the drum like shape of palm leaf manuscripts of these records assume when bond together with strings. This Chronicle has two principal parts. In one part describe various ceremonies at the shrine of Jagannath in all the details. The other part describe the ruling dynasties and the individual rulers of Odisha who traditionally without exception have accepted Jagannath as the divine source of their sanction and fountainhead for the mysterious spiritual influence on the people of Odisha. This Chronicle is supposed to have been started with the command of the first king of Ganga Dynasty Chodoganga Deba during 12th century. Three separate families of Karanas( writers) have been keeping these records generations after generations which is kept in the temple itself. Written by the professional employees of the temple these records however have little literary value. But this chronicles have provided the raw material for excellent Kavyas and Nataks in Odia through many romantic legends. Their languages generally inartistic, but there worth as literature lies in the social pictures they present in different historical periods.
- Itemରୁଦ୍ରସୁଧାନିଧି(Odisha Sahitya Akademi Bhubaneswar, 2020) ନାରାୟଣାନନ୍ଦ ଅବଧୂତ ସ୍ୱାମୀ Narayanananda Abadhut Swami; Karunakar Kar ଡକ୍ଟର କରୁଣାକର କରRudra Sudha Nidhi( the Treasure Casket of the Nectar of Rudra) is the earliest complete prose work in Odia. Most of the scholars placed this text in the13th century. Though it was a pioneering venture by Narayana anda Abadhuta Swami, a Saivite mendicant of Bhubaneswar, it is surprisingly excellent and naturally created to propagate the virtue and power of Rudra. Combining the qualities of prose and poetry this text is quite unique for its creativity, artistic execution and romantic imagination. It comments in itself in beautiful harmony romance and austerity, asceticism and sensuousness, classical dignity and romantic freedom. Though it is undoubtedly prose the lines somehow rhyme almost after every third sentence the natural result of the reach alliterative and rhythmic prose that the author employed for his work is the medium fit for his mythological and romantic story. While mixed with the poetry this prose book Rudra Sudha Nidhi is one of the most effective as prose also it is the best of the period because of its complete expressiveness and strong individuality.
- Itemଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ ପୁରାଣ(Odisha Sahitya Akademi Bhubaneswar, 1984) ବଳରାମ ଦାସ Balaram Das; Jatindra Mohan Mohanty ଯତୀନ୍ଦ୍ର ମୋହନ ମହାନ୍ତିLaxmi Puran, by Balaram Dasa, author of popular Ramayan, is a unique literary product propagating the superiority of the quite unostetentatious life of a woman to the noisy activities of a man .Even today, after 500 years this book provides one of the finest most highly edifying and intensely entertaining folk tale in Orissa. The theme and spirit of this small book have become an integral part of the National life and national consciousness in Odisha, an indication of the powerful influence. This literature can exercise over the mass mind it treated by the great poet. It is more relevant because of the modernism of its attitude towards the position of women at home and in the society and to the caste system and general social standards. It may be considered the first subaltern text in Indian literature.
- Itemଶ୍ରୀମଦ୍ ଭାଗବତ(Odisha Sahitya Akademi Bhubaneswar, ) ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ ଦାସ Jagannath Das; Pandit Nilamani Mishra ପଣ୍ଡିତ ନୀଳମଣି ମିଶ୍ରOdia Bhagavat by Jagannath Dasa is not only his Magnum -opus but the greatest creation of Odia literature which shaped the standard Odia language. A few books in the whole of Indian literature that can be compared in test and in pervasive influence like Odia Bhagavat. By presenting to the people the poet induced all classes of men of his country to cultivate Odia language the benefit which Jagannath Das has conferred open his countrymen is immense how the moral ideas preached by him in the book have module the character of many millions of men. What makes Jagannath Das’s Bhagavat is popular with Oriya masses as is the English Bible among the English speaking people is just what is called the biblical idiom in English Jagannath Das’s Bhagavat is a miracle of translation. Its accurate, precise and clear. General Aroma of sanctity it's soft fluency its quite dignity and the sublime of high moral in spiritual life it reaches so straight into the hearts of readers of all the books in Odia literature it is the Bhagavat of Jagannath Das that one comes across the mysterious and devotional feeling. Combining the classical Sanskrit with Odia idioms and phrases, choosing only what is elegant and rhythmic diction instinctively carrying more for beauty of expression than for pedantic accuracy and ser charging the whole subtle mystic atmosphere in which details may not be clear at once, but the totality is charming to the mind as well as to the ear. Jagannath Das has left behind a style in Odia which for its chastity , elegance, dignity and beauty still remains inimitable among the masses of Odisha.
- Itemସାରଳା ମହାଭାରତ(Sarala Sahitya Sansad, ) ସାରଳା ଦାସ Sarala Das; Arttaballava Mohanty ଡକ୍ଟର ଆର୍ତ୍ତବଲ୍ଲଭ ମହାନ୍ତିSarala Mahabharat is the first National Epic of Odia literature, is different from original Sanskrit Mahabharat in many ways. A Sudra Saint, Sarala Das composed this Mahabharat with the blessings of Goddess Srala in 18 parbas, some are different from original Sanskrit Mahabharat. He added Parbas like Madhya, Gada, and Kainshika, and dropped Sauptika, Anusashana and Mahaprasthanika parbas of Sanskrit Mahabharat. Many popular legends and anecdote have taken place in Sarala Mahabharat in one way and in other way many legends, proverbs also originated from it. This Epic is a picture gallery of Odia social life to make his motherland, Odisha loom,large and important in the eyes of his compatriots with the Holy halo of Puranic sanctity, he not only linked Srikrishna’s death in Dwaraka to the rise of Jagannath at Puri, but also he brought the Pandavas to visit all sacred places of Odisha and live like common Odia citizen. Sarala the pageant genius not only wrote a great Epic but practically created a whole literature. The entire development of Odia literature was possible just because this pageant poet left behind this grand composition in a language. That was still contemptible in the eyes of the learner his successful adventure provided inspiration and encouragement to all his immediate successor.
- Itemସୀସୁ ବେଦ(Odisha Sahitya Akademi Bhubaneswar, 1984) ନାଥ ଯୋଗୀ Natha Jogi; Jatindra Mohan Mohanty ଯତୀନ୍ଦ୍ର ମୋହନ ମହାନ୍ତିSisu Veda is a remarkable production in more ways than one Saivite in content; it is linguistically the last lingering echo of the Buddhist Apabhransa compositions of 7th to 9th century. This Sisu Veda is the unmistakable link between that Apabhransa and modern Odia of Sarala Dasa completing the chain that started with the inscription of Kharabela in the first century BC and evolved slowly but steadily by a simple natural process. Dealing with the esoteric knowledge of tantra this is written throughout in lilting metres of the Buddhist lyrics and hence it is pleasant both to read and to hear. Much more remarkable than the verses at the prose commentaries following each verse in this text. This archaic prose speaks of its own antiquity. It has the hesitant manner and the half articulate character of a Pioneer attempt. It undoubtedly belongs to the same category as the temple inscriptions of the 12th- 13th centuries. There is no doubt that this is the earliest literary prose in Odia.